For Millennials. By Millennials.

James Charles Shades Old Tati Westbook Drama

2020 is a fresh, new year and we’re leaving 2019 behind. But what about all the drama we witnessed this past year? One of the most talked-about, controversial feuds of the year was that of James Charles-Tati Westbrook. And it seems that the memories are still ripe in James Charles mind as he just threw some shade.

What happened between James Charles and Tati Westbrook?

Lets skim through the drama and give you a basic summary.

James Charles and Tati Westbrook were close. He even used to call her his ‘mom’ as she provided him a home and never-ending support when he started out on YouTube.

But Charles seemingly failed to recicoprate and hurt Tati’s feelings when he posted an ad for multivitamin supplement Sugar Bear Hair, on his Instagram. This company is a direct rival to Tati’s supplement company, Halo Beauty.

What followed was a fight that erupted to the point where Tati Westbrook ‘almost’ ruined James Charles career. She ‘warned’ people about James as a ‘predator’ who wished to make advancements towards ‘straight boys’.

After this of course, there was no going back.

James throws some witty shade while sharing Coachella plans

Charles took to his official Twitter account to share his excitement for music festival, Coachella. He quote re-tweeted the official Coachella schedule. And shared his plans for the event.

Did you notice what James Charles just hinted at?

Well, his feud with Tati was around two things: vitamins, and boys. And James casually mentioned the two together.

“no boys or vitamins!!!

just good music, outfits, photos & memories let’s GOOO”

Maybe this is him just being fun and chill. But in a way, James seems to be reclarifying that he has no interest in boys or vitamins, whatsoever. In this way, he is also denying the allegations made by Tati against him.

If we look at it between the lines, we think James Charles is also essentially saying that he’s leaving the feud behind.

Or at least that’s what we would like to believe. What do you think?