For Millennials. By Millennials.

Romany Malco is the Only Good Thing About ‘Holiday Rush’

Netflix has been on roll with Christmas movies. Every day a new Christmas movie is released and honestly, we’re done. Can Christmas come already so that Netflix will stop producing mediocre Christmas movies? Seriously we’re begging. Holiday Rush, a new Netflix movie has been many flaws but it works in one aspect. And that’s Romany Malco.

Holiday Rush Only Redeeming Quality is Romany Malco

We had great hopes from the movie Holiday Rush. Why? Because its among one of the few Christmas movies centered around a non-white family. But the movie disappointed so much. However, it wasn’t all bad because we got to witness Romany Malco play the perfect dad.

Holiday Rush centers around William and his four children. All of whom are at various levels of wealth-induced brattiness due to their father’s monetary success as a radio DJ. But when the rug is pulled out from under him – and with Christmas just around the corner! – the family has to band together and remember that it’s not what you have, but who you have.

The Movie Isn’t a Masterpiece

Even though Romany Malco is perfect in the movie, I’d still say skip Holiday Rush. Even though the plot seems family-friendly and perfect for Christmas, it’s not all that great. Try it if you’re interested in seeing this cast. Though it’s not that great of a movie and you won’t regret not watching it.

Holiday Rush is streaming on Netflix.