For Millennials. By Millennials.

Nashmia Adnan

Nashmia Adnan

Editor-in-Chief. Nashmia Adnan strives to give you news about Hollywood in a way that will hopefully not bore you. Whether it be an unusual take on a show or figuring out which celebrities are still cool for you to follow, it's something that will be worth your while. Or so she wishes. Her hobbies include delving so deeply into a TV show that she feels quite lost when it ends, finding comfort in Charles Bukowski quotes and Ricky Gervais' tweets (they're the same thing really) and having a panic attack over climate change.

Sophia Bush & Jameela Jamil Side With Jada Pinkett Smith While Not Condoning Violence After Will Smith Hit Chris Rock

While Chris Rock being struck on live television by Will Smith is being applauded by many, some are against the situation entirely. And then there are some that are denouncing violence but are still passionately defending Jada Pinkett Smith in…

Read MoreSophia Bush & Jameela Jamil Side With Jada Pinkett Smith While Not Condoning Violence After Will Smith Hit Chris Rock

Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift’s New Song ‘The Joker And The Queen’ Is A Sequel To ‘Everything Has Changed’

Well, time surely flies and changes everything! If you know what I mean. Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran are two of the biggest musicians in the world. And thankfully for their fans, they’re also friends who love to collaborate on…

Read MoreEd Sheeran & Taylor Swift’s New Song ‘The Joker And The Queen’ Is A Sequel To ‘Everything Has Changed’