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Is Athlean-X’s Jeff Cavaliere Natural or Not? Kenny KO’s Analysis

Is Athlean-X’s CEO Jeff Cavaliere natural or not? His incredibly shredded physique at this age has had many ask this question. Kenny Boulet of Kenny KO YouTube channel tries to answer and gives his analysis.

How old is Athlean-X’s Jeff Cavaliere?

He is 44 years old. Yes, you heard that right and that’s one of the reasons why Jeff Cavaliere’s “natural or not” status is always being questioned. Another reason is his incredible physique. I mean the guy stays shredded year-round at sub 10% body fat.

YouTube‘s Kenny KO starts his analysis by acknowledging that Cavaliere is natural. Boulet also mentions that he gets a lot of questions about him all the time.

The dude is 44 years old and I get a lot of queries about this guy and I think its mainly due to 1. The incredibly lean and shredded physique, 2. His muscle mass and 3. Jeff Cavaliere’s sub 10% body fat throughout the year.

Kenny KO then jumps straight into the most asked question. Is Jeff Cavaliere natural or on steroids? He starts by looking for the visible side effects of steroids.

I’m talking about this after years of studying this guy and I have not seen any side effects of steroids. I have not seen Male Pattern Baldness, acne, gyno or any of the common side effects associated with steroids.

Based on all these visible signs and the fact that Jeff Cavaliere is not a mass monster, Kenny thinks Jeff Cavaliere’s natural status is legit. It also has to do with the fact that Athlean-X’s founder emphasizes a diet that makes it possible to stay lean and shredded all the time.

Other than no common side effects of steroids, Jeff’s philosophy of training and eating like an athlete contributes to the kind of physique he has. Let us know what you think about it in the comments section. We’ll keep you updated on your favorite YouTube celebrities.