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The Emmys 2018 Monologue Could Have Been Better

The hosting for Emmys 2018 was given a lot of hype. But could Michael Che and Colin Jost come up with a better monologue?

The Saturday Night Live hosts Michael Che and Colin Jost were certainly up to something with their hosting for Emmys 2018. And with both of them aiming to increase viewership for the Awards show, we could expect something different. Their monologue kicked off Emmys 2018. And although it had everything from comedy to political satire and references for feminism and racism, was it worth the hype? Maybe not. And there’s definitely a lot that the two stars could have improved.

The Monologue For Emmys 2018

Colin Jost and Michael Che were not alone on stage as Emmys 2018 kicked off. They were accompanied by SNL stars Kate McKinnon and Kenan Thompson who sang the We Solved It song. And that hit on the representation problem actually initiated the monologue.

Michael Che began the monologue by claiming that it was an honor to share the night with many creative and talented people. But he cracked up by adding that these were the ones who have not been caught yet. Colin Jost stepped in to say that they were serving alcohol tonight. And that the last thing they needed was people to lose their inhibitions at Emmys 2018.

Both the hosts also drew attention towards the fact that Netflix was leading the nominations this year. And Jost added that it was the scariest thing that any network executive could possibly hear. Both of them even took aims at several of the nominees for that year including shows like This Is Us. And also, they talked about a lot many shows like Brooklyn Nine-Nine that were canceled this year. But then quickly revived. Just then, Colin Jost poked in saying that Roseanne was canceled by herself but picked up by white nationalists.

The hosts also mocked Hollywood for some of its most controversial aspects. Just like it’s lack of diversity coupled with the Emmys effort for solving bigotry in Hollywood. A few of their jokes lightly touched the topic of the popular feminist movement #MeToo.

Could It Have Been Better?

Well, not to bash Colin Jost and Michael Che for their hosting at Emmys 2018, but the whole affair could have been so much better. In fact, their monologue was not much different like people expected it to be. And with all the plans they had to take Emmys 2018 to the next level, it seems like either they didn’t work out or backfired. Even when their monologue had some great jokes and coverage, it was simply regular. And nothing really different from an episode of Saturday Night Live. So, what was the big deal about our new favorite hosts?

The monologue for Emmys 2018 was very similar to what it had been in the past. A tone that is politically cringe-worthy and not even funny- is that new in any way? Not really, but still Michael Che and Colin Jost went for it. And one brilliant evidence to support this would be their joke that claimed that the only people that thank Jesus are Republicans and ex-crackheads.

Although, the monologue being less than the expected standards was not entirely the fault of our hosts. The lack of visuals definitely made it harder. But Colin Jost and Michael Che lacked their regular sharpness and honestly put, the monologue lost its momentum only a few minutes into the show.

Maybe, the Emmys could really use this monologue to step up their game next year!