For Millennials. By Millennials.

The Crown Season 3 Trailer is Here and Its Royally Dramatic

Get ready to hail the queen because the trailer for The Crown season 3 is finally here and it is everything you asked for and more. The Crown is based on England’s current and longest-standing monarch, Queen Elizabeth and this time she’s being played by Olivia Colman. Want to know whats going to happen in season 3? Wait no more.

Olivia Colman is Regal and in a Dilemma in The Crown Season 3

The official trailer for the royal drama The Crown Season 3 dropped on 21st October. And there’s so much we want to talk about. But let’s start with the casting first. Olivia Colman, the oscar-winning actor, is now the queen instead of Claire Foy. Though we’d been skeptical of the idea of changing the queens, but can’t say we’re complaining now. Olivia Colman looks perfectly regal as the Queen. She portrays with ease the dilemma Queen Elizabeth had to face between 1964 to 1977.

Helena Bonham Carter, who’s also new to the cast and is going to play Princess Margaret, is perfectly cast. She looks and seems like the Princess. It’s going to be so much fun seeing both such actors with good calibers playing out the rivalry between the Queen and her sister.

The Premise

The Crown Season 3 is going to be really dramatic and full of tension. Not that the first two seasons weren’t, but in season 3 the drama is taken up a notch. The Crown season 3 is going to tackle the Cold War drama, Beatlemania and England winning the 1966 World Cup. Also, the season is going to showcase how Prince Charles falls in love with young Camilla. Though the trailer didn’t show any signs of Princess Diana, we’re hoping that the show will do her justice.

The Crown season 3 releases on November 17. Mark your calendars because the Queen doesn’t approve of tardiness.

You can catch the trailer below.