For Millennials. By Millennials.

Jensen Ackles & Steve Carlson’s First Music Album Releasing Soon

Supernatural final season is running on The CW these days. The treat is doubled as it is Halloween month. And the best way to enjoy your Halloween is by binge-watching Supernatural. In fact, we all have been doing it for the last 15 years. Unfortunately, the series is ending soon. Fortunately, we will still be seeing Jensen Ackles in his full glory even after Supernatural ends. The true SPN fans know Jensen is an amazing singer and a performer. His Eye Of The Tiger video clip went viral for all the right reasons. As a matter of fact, Jensen Ackles has been performing for the SPN fan crowd along with Steve Carlson. And now, finally, the duo are releasing their first music album. They formed Radio Company officially in 2018 and the debut album drops in 2 weeks.

Jensen Ackles, Steve Carlson and Radio Company Vol. 1

Jensen Ackles and Steve Carlson are former roommates. They have been writing songs and performing together for the last 15 years approximately. Their debut album, Radio Company Vol. 1, is available for pre-order on Spotify. The album releases on November 8, 2019. Yes, only two weeks to go. Moreover, the first single “Sounds of Someday” is available on iTunes now. You can check the teaser of the first track here. BTS of the song is given below.

Jensen Ackles’ s voice and Steve Carlson’s music skills definitely give you goosebumps. This album is going to be huge.

Radio Company Vol. 1 Songs List

The debut album of Jensen Ackles and Steve Carlson, Radio Company Vol. 1, will have 10 songs in total. The limited Vinyl edition is available for $30. Whereas, you can purchase it on iTunes for $8.99. Radio Company Vol. 1 songs list is as under:

  1. Cannonball
  2. let Me Be
  3. Bound
  4. Sounds of Someday
  5. Off My Mind
  6. Drowning
  7. When I’m Down
  8. Living In You
  9. All Our Own
  10. Dume

Formation of Radio Company

Radio Company is a collaboration between Jensen Ackles and Steve Carlson. Formed in Austin, Texas in 2018, the duo has been working on their album for quite some time. Jensen Ackles and Steve Carlson recorded their debut album in Arlyn Studios. Moreover, their upcoming album also contains collaborations with some amazing singers like Warren Hood, Brian Standefer, and Chris Masterson. While you wait for the album release, you can also pre-order their merch here. And catch up on CW Supernatural till album releases.