For Millennials. By Millennials.

Seth Rogen Is Doing A Lot Of Pot Thanks To Quarantine

While the world is panicking, Seth Rogen is having the time of his life in quarantine. He is smoking pot, making pottery and spending time with his wife.

While the world is on the verge of collapse, Seth Rogen is having the time of his life. Recently, he revealed that he is doing a ton of pot and making pottery during quarantine.

Not only is he a strong supporter of weed, but Seth Rogen also has launched a cannabis supply company

In his film, Knocked Up, there is a scene where his character, Ben Stone, runs out of the house during an earthquake. While his character’s pregnant girlfriend is alone inside, Ben Stone chooses to hold his most precious possession, weed bong. It shows that not only is he a weed-lover in real life, but Seth Rogen also loves to play stoners in his films as well. If that doesn’t prove it, he has launched a cannabis supply company, Houseplant. Along with his long-time friend and filmmaker, Evan Goldberg, the company supplies weed all over Canada. While talking about it, Rogen said:

“Houseplant is a passion we’ve brought to life through drive and dedication. Every decision we’ve made for the business reflects the years of education, first-hand experience and respect we have for cannabis.”

During an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, he admitted to being high during filming. He said:

Yeah, I smoke weed all day, every day of my life. For the last twenty years, exclusively [I’ve worked high]. … I do actually enjoy weed in my personal life and on film.

Seth Rogen, quarantine

During quarantine, he has been doing ‘ungodly’ amount of pot and making pottery

While making an appearance on Jimmy Kimmell’s show, Seth Rogen shared his experience of being in quarantine. Not only is he enjoying time with his wife, Lauren, he is also spending time making soap dispensers and smoking weed every day. He said:

“We are not all in this together because this has not been that bad for me. I have kind of been self-isolating since 2009. I have been smoking truly ungodly amount of pot. Thank God it has been declared an essential service.”

Seth Rogen, quarantine

While talking about making pottery, he showed some of his creations to Jimmy Kimmell and said:

“So many of our friends wanted to do pottery, we got a literal third wheel, me and my wife. We have a kiln, we found a place that will deliver clay in this time of quarantine.”

During quarantine, Seth Rogen also celebrated his 38th birthday which was made special by his wife and friends. He told Kimmell:

“All I want is to see everyone for 15 to 25 seconds. I don’t need to get close. I’m more than happy to go out, wave to my friends and speak to them for 15 seconds and everyone go on their merry way. Again I’m really built for this.”

He also admitted that not having kids have made it easier.

“The fact that I have no kids is making this truly not that bad. I will be lying alone on my death bed having not talked to anyone in 15 years and I’ll be like, ‘It was worth it for the coronavirus sh*t.'”

In true terms, Seth Rogen is a unique icon and must be protected.