For Millennials. By Millennials.

Nikocado Avocado Is Not Sorry On Stephanie Soo Situation

Nikocado Avocado and Stephanie Soo are in the midst of a feud. Avocado was recently called out for being manipulative and ‘creepy’ when he collaborated with Soo. The entire beef is only escalating as both sides have refused to back down from their side of the story. Nikocado Avocado, however, is not sorry. Or is he?

Nikocado Avocado is ‘NOT’ sorry

Nikocado Avocado posted a video titled ‘I’M NOT SORRY’ and boy, he lost it. The YouTube mukbanger completely had a breakdown where he cussed to no limit. Well, it looked like a breakdown because he almost lost his senses as he continuously spilled abusive words and F*** you’s, while repeating he is not sorry.

The anger is real. And of course, we understand why. Nikocado was accused by Stephanie Soo for something that he does not believe he did. And the internet subsequently ‘canceled’ him.

He continued to say that no one even knows half of the truth. So they’re no one to judge him or the situation entirely.

Nikocado shared that he had never been as fat-shamed in his life, as in the past weeks.

“You’re cancelled, cancelled, cancelled. You’re fat, fat, fat….

I have been fatshamed for the past two weeks more than any time in my life. I had to put it on my block words. And all these other words too.

He continued to express his rage:

Do you sleep better at night telling me to be sorry? Sorry for this, sorry for that. Like this person said you did this so it has to be true. Apologize. Apologize. Like did you forget to take your lollipop today? What’s wrong with some people in this world?

He kept reading comments from his former followers who had spoken against him. And literally everyone got a ‘F*** you’ from him. Literally.

And now he is sorry

But he’s not sorry. He’s just sorry about dropping his chips.

In a follow-up video titled ‘i’m sorry’, Nikocado Avocado was seen again, doing his usual mukbang. Plus some unusual behavior.

Nikocado kept saying ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I hope you can forgive me’ but it wasn’t about the Soo situation or his reaction last night.

He said sorry for messing up his shirt, for bringing the food home late, for everything food-related. He actually had a breakdown when he accidentally dropped his chips.

We have no idea what is going on with Nikocado. But he is definitely going through a phase.