For Millennials. By Millennials.

Netflix Releases The Midnight Gospel Trailer

Netflix Releases The Midnight Gospel Trailer

These days one of the options that most of us find solace in is Netflix. After all, it is a good source of entertainment, and often times we end up learning something worthwhile from it as well. So, it is a good catch nonetheless. There is tons of good stuff on there. Both new and old series, movies, etc. that you can watch and never get tired of.

Netflix released The Midnight Gospel Trailer

The series will have a unique storyline. Just like podcasts, it will be a space cast. Yes interviews, but in space. So basically, there are these computer geeks who simulate universes using powerful computers. They do this to harvest technology. There is this guy named Clancy, who is a bit lazy. He ends up not taking good care of his universe simulator, which results in the destruction of his planets. Now the guy Clancy resorts to interviewing individuals who are living in his dying universe. He is a bit of a crack-head as is obvious.

The official Netflix synopsis of The Midnight Gospel reads:

The Mignight Gospel is the story of Clancy, a spacecaster with a malfunctioning multiverse simulator who leaves the comfort of his extra-dimensional home on the Chromatic Ribbon to interview beings living in other worlds.

Watch the official trailer of The Midnight Gospels below:
