For Millennials. By Millennials.

Met Gala 2020 is Postponed - Coronavirus precautions

Met Gala 2020 is Postponed – Coronavirus precautions

COVID-19 Coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) has taken so much of this year away from us. Everything that we love and cherish in this world, this year has put it to a halt. Just when we thought does not get any worse, oh well… It just did. So, the Metropolitan Museum of Art announced in March that the Met Gala 2020 is postponed ‘indefinitely’. What has become a much anticipated Met Monday, the first Monday of May has been postponed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. The Met Gala 2020 was in the process of becoming one of the finest of its kind. Fashion’s biggest night out becomes a victim of the deadly virus that has the world locked indoors. In a press conference, sources of Vogue Magazine say that a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Museum of Art says,

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised over the weekend that there should not be any gatherings of 50 people or more for the next eight weeks, the museum has decided, according to a Met spokesperson, that “in deference to this guidance, all programs and events through May 15 will be canceled or postponed.

As this year’s Met Gala was to fall on the 4th of May, it falls among one of the events that are canceled.

Coronavirus precautions result in Met Gala 2020 getting postponed – Stay safe, stay home

It is honestly getting so tiresome now with the Coronavirus Pandemic. We can’t believe we’re spending Met Monday not watching the Met Gala 2020. Even celebrities are disheartened at the thought. We do wonder what the themes would have been. Or even what celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Zendaya, Harry Styles, and others would have come wearing this year. Also, considering the fact that it fell on May the 4th, could this year have had a Star Wars Theme?

However, this is a reminder for all of us to Stay at Home and take all the necessary COVID-19 precautions recommended by the WHO (World Health Organisation). Wash your hands, cover your faces, and most importantly, practice social distancing! Stay Safe, people!