For Millennials. By Millennials.

Latercase by Unbox Therapy and Lew Later’s Lewis Hilsenteger

Latercase by Lewis Hilsenteger (Unbox Therapy) is the talk-of-the-town these days. He doesn’t like the existing phone cases, so he goes out and makes one. The face of one of the biggest YouTube tech channels (Lew Later) has come up with his line of Kevlar based smartphone cases and some say it’s Pitaka’s copy. The slim and sleek design is now available online for your latest iPhone, Samsung, and other flagship devices.

Latercase adds OnePlus and Huawei Smartphones to its selection

Lewis of Unbox Therapy and Lew Later believes that a phone case should complement the design of the phone instead of hiding the smart-phone entirely. Today’s smartphone cases are bulky and can also collect dust sometimes and Lew of Unbox Therapy is on a mission to change that in the form of Latercase.

The immense success of this new smartphone case saw the release of some new designs for OnePlus and Huawei phones. The Latercase now supports devices like OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7T, OnePlus 7T Pro, Huawei Mate 30 Pro, Huawei P30 and Huawei P30 Pro.

What is Lewis Hilsenteger’s (Unbox Therapy) Latest SmartPhone case made of?

Smooth yet grippy. Sleek yet strong enough to withstand a fall. That’s the inspiration behind this latest smartphone case. The Latercase tries to give you an experience like no other. Making a phonecase that is light-weight and strong at the same time is quite a challenge. To achieve this perfect harmony, a special heat-resistant material, Kevlar is used.

Latercase’s synthetic fiber is five times stronger than steel because of its high tensile strength-to-weight ratio. Kevlar is also used in bullet-proof vests & bicycle-tires because of its high strength.

Latercase is an amalgam of strength & compact design and this is exactly what a smartphone case should look like.

What is the Latercase Controversy with Pitaka?

Bringing this new smartphone case to the world was not as smooth as you might think. Tech accessories giant, Pitaka, accused Lew of replicating their Kevlar phone case. The accusations soon turned into a huge controversy on YouTube and other social media platforms amid the Later case launch.

Lewis Hilsenteger tried to clear the air with a video titled “The truth about Latercase” and continued with the manufacturing. It looks like the controversy with Pitaka has come to a close for now, since there has been no drama surrounding this subject recently.

You can head to the official Latercase website to order this beautiful Kevlar smartphone case for your device.