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Lana Condor Spills Some Tea With Q&A Session

Lana Condor Spills Some Tea With Q&A Session

Lana Condor, our favorite Netflix sweetheart is the talk of the town with her new Netflix movie, To All The Boys Part 2. She first appeared in part 1 of the said movie and that’s where it all started. Starring opposite Noah Centineo, Lana didn’t take long to win everyone’s hearts over.

Lana Condor’s YouTube Channel

She launched her own YouTube channel in November 2019. And has about 381K subscribers. Lana has 5 videos, the recent being a Q&A session with her fans where she decides to spill some tea.

Lana Condor

Since Lana has been doing a lot of press lately for To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Part 2, she thought she would make a video to answer some of her fans’ questions. A change from the questions she gets asked by the press.

Why Did Lana Condor Make Her Own YouTube Channel?

Using questions from both Instagram and Twitter, Lana Condor shared what the thought process was behind her wanting to start a YouTube channel. She wanted the world to see the real her and wanted to keep creative control of what exactly the world got to see of her. She revealed it’s been really fun for her boyfriend, Anthony De La Torre and her. They love making videos and he loves editing so it’s fun for both of them. But mostly the reason behind her making a channel is because she wanted to share more of her life out there, in a more close-up and personal sort of way.

On Making Movies

When answering what kind of roles she’d like to do, Lana had a surprising answer. She revealed she loves to do action roles where she gets to perform a bit of her stunts. She also left a little teaser for her fans asking them to ‘stay tuned’ as she has something special coming up. Could it be an action movie?

Lana Condor also revealed the treehouse scene in To All The Boys: P.S I Still Love You since her character, Lara Jean got to be with all her friends.

That’s not all the tea she spilled. To find out more about her life, watch the video above.