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Lady Gaga One-Ups Mark Zuckerberg In Coronavirus Relief... Again

Lady Gaga One-Ups Mark Zuckerberg In Coronavirus Relief… Again

Lady Gaga again one-ups Mark Zuckerberg with the 'One World: Together At Home' concert, which gathered way more donations for Coronavirus relief than Mark.

Lady Gaga has been very active in recent events regarding COVID-19. She’s been urging kindness from the whole world but is setting an example herself. Recently, she was able to gather $35 million in Coronavirus donations, which was 10 million more than Mark Zuckerberg could. However, she didn’t stop there, and helped the WHO gather more than $127 million by co-hosting the One World: Together At Home concert!

Lady Gaga joins others for One World: Together At Home concert

Lady Gaga has stepped up well and truly in the time of need. First, she did a living room concert with Elton John, which gathered $35 million for Coronavirus relief. This time, she did something even bigger. By teaming up with World Health Organization and Global Citizen (main organizers of the event), she hosted a One World: Together At Home concert. But, what’s even more impressive is that they were able to gather $127 million in donations!

Lady Gaga One-Ups Mark Zuckerberg In Coronavirus Relief... Again One World: Together At Home
Lady Gaga | YouTube

But it wasn’t just Lady Gaga by herself. She was also accompanied by some very popular celebrities. Paul McCartney performed a sober version of Lady Madonna just for hospital workers, doctors, and nurses. Moreover, Billie Eilish, Elton John, and the Rolling Stones did performances too.

Other than them, some notable celebrities came up with positive messages too in between the songs. Those include Matthew McConaughey, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, and many others. As you can see, Lady Gaga was not by herself. Moreover, Beyonce especially raised awareness on how Coronavirus impacted the black communities disproportionately, as she said:

… African American communities at large have been severely affected by this crisis … this virus is killing black people and in an alarmingly high rate here in America.

$55 million of the funds collected will go to the WHO, and the rest will go to Coronavirus relief to charities such as food banks and housing providers.

Zuckerberg must be hiding his face

Lady Gaga has contributed far more than many notable billionaires have. Even with a combined total of more than $160 billion in wealth, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have barely donated $25 million for Coronavirus relief. I discussed previously how that’s nothing compared to their wealth, and as the richest people in the richest country on Earth, they should do more for humanity.

Gal Gadot should learn!

Previously, I wrote about how Gal Gadot and a bunch of other celebrities were called out for something similar. They posted a poorly sung cover of John Lennon’s imagine, and thought it would uplift spirits. However, Twitter went mad against them and called them out for hiding in their mansions. And, Ellen DeGeneres received a lot of stick too, for saying Quarantine is like a jail. It’s about time that celebrities stood up and did something for the poor. Because now is the time when the world needs there contributions. And it has to be more than covers and comedy shows. They need to learn more from Lady Gaga.