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John Lennon Last Fight With Paul McCartney Detailed!

John Lennon’s Last Fight With Paul McCartney, Detailed!

Even though Paul McCartney and John Lennon were best friends, they often fought very fiercely. Here's the last fight of these two former Beatles, detailed!

The Beatles had been with each other as a band ever since they were young boys. And that chemistry and bond are what made the fab four amazing in the first place. But, growing up together is never as easy as it seems. And as the band came close to its end, the infighting increased as well. Even best friends like John Lennon and Paul McCartney exchanged some harsh words with each other!

As time passed, the famous Lennon-McCartney partnership saw lots of ups and downs. Even though by the end the two of them reconciled, things did get very bad a few times. One of their arguments was about John Lennon’s son, Sean Lennon. McCartney wanted to hang out with Lennon just like the old days. But, Lennon was insistent that McCartney could no longer turn up at their door unannounced.

When The Beatles almost reunited

In his infamous interview with Playboy back in 1980, John Lennon recalled the last time Paul McCartney visited him in his apartment in The Dakota building in Manhattan. The troubled Beatle said:

“Paul was visiting us at our place in the Dakota. We were watching it and almost went down to the studio, just as a gag. We nearly got into a cab, but we were actually too tired. He and I were just sitting there watching the show, and we went, ‘Ha ha, wouldn’t it be funny if we went down? But we didn’t.”

Yes, the iconic Lennon-McCartney duo almost reunited. And Paul McCartney also confirmed this story, saying:

 “John said, ‘We should go down, just you and me. There’s only two of us so we’ll take half the money.’ And for a second… But It would have been work, and we were having a night off, so we elected not to go. It was a nice idea – we nearly did it.”

John Lennon just didn’t have time for Paul McCartney anymore

John Lennon Last Fight With Paul McCartney Detailed!
Wikimedia Commons

After they nearly reunited, Paul McCartney gave John Lennon a visit again the next day. But, what Lennon just couldn’t give McCartney the same amount of time as he used to at the time of the Beatles. He had Sean and Yoko Ono with him and with them, Lennon just couldn’t leave everything behind for McCartney. So, Lennon confronted him, mentioning in the same interview:

“That was a period when Paul just kept turning up at our door with a guitar. I would let him in, but finally, I said to him, ‘Please call before you come over. It’s not 1956, and turning up at the door isn’t the same anymore. You know, just give me a ring.’ He was upset by that, but I didn’t mean it badly. I just meant that I was taking care of a baby all day, and some guy turns up at the door.”

Paul McCartney didn’t let John Lennon’s words blow-up

Sadly, that was the last time the two hung out with each other, even when Paul McCartney was in town. It is a big regret for McCartney, but he still remembers the last conversation with John Lennon quite fondly. Macca recalled:

“The last phone conversation I ever had with him was really great, and we didn’t have any kind of blowup. It could have easily been one of the other phone calls when we blew up at each other and slammed the phone down.”

Sadly, we never got to see them reunited after The Beatles split because John Lennon’s life was cut short by his assassin. However, it’s good to know that the two artists left each other on good terms.