For Millennials. By Millennials.

James Charles’ New Morphe Palette Sold Out In Less Than 10 Minutes!

James Charles’ new collection was available to buy online at 8 AM in the morning Los Angeles. And it sold out in Europe in less than just six minutes!

Seems like YouTubers don’t really need to market their products that much. They can just make an announcement in their videos and millions of subscribers and loyal fans would already mark their calendars for the product’s release! No wonder the Paul brothers are making big bucks.

James Charles teamed up with the big company Morphe to give birth to two amazing products. One was an eye-shadow palette and another was a brush collection. The palette costs €43 and the brush set featuring 34 brushes is just €160. The make-up artist encourages everyone to find their inner artist using new products.

James Charles sent his love to everyone who supported him and bought his new morphe palette and brush set.

Guess what sisters? James Charles and Jeffree Star recently swapped their palettes to create iconic new make-up looks.