For Millennials. By Millennials.

Is Daniel Howell on Another Year Long Hiatus?

Can Daniel Howell upload new videos already?! We’ve been waiting for ages and our patience is running out. Though we loved his coming out video we’re speculating that the YouTuber might be going on a year-long hiatus. Again.

Daniel Howell Goes on a Hiatus

The English YouTuber had been on a year-long hiatus before he came out in June with an hour-long coming out video. That video had sparked hope in us that maybe the hiatus was finally over and we’d be getting new content. Well, we turned out to be the clowns for even fostering hope as the YouTuber has not posted anything since his coming out video.

The hiatus though was not without reasons. Daniel Howell along with his best friend and YouTuber Phil Lester was on a tour. Now that the tour is over we’re hoping for more Dan and Phil content. We might even get it as the two friends have a joint channel and do all sorts of games on it. Halloween is nearing and we’re expecting a video, Daniel Howell. You better deliver!

Dan Howell and Phil Lester Come Out

Both friends came out this year during Pride month and also in the most Dan and Phil way. Daniel’s way of coming out was posting a long video and explaining everything that he went through and how he came to terms with his sexuality. While Phil came out with a 5-minute video and it was all unicorns and happiness. But we wouldn’t have expected anything else from both of them. We’re proud of both of them for coming out and helping others that look up to them.