For Millennials. By Millennials.
Harry Styles ‘s Watermelon Sugar Music Video dropped with a bang. With over 26 million views in less than a week, the music video has attracted quite an audience. And that is a great number. Fans of the ‘Sign of The Times’ singer have now got more facts to add to their lists. The music video is dedicated to touching and enjoying, the feeling of summer that we all love and deserve. Little Black Book interviews directors of the video, Bradley & Pablo from Prettybird to find out how the duo made the video in Quarantine. Amidst their interview, we make a shocking discovery! One Direction member and singer, Harry Styles, has an actual Watermelon farm:
Harry actually owns a watermelon farm in a secret location that we can’t disclose.
Harry Styles’s Watermelon Sugar shot in his own Watermelon Farm
Bradley and Pablo shot the Watermelon Sugar Music Video before Quarantine. Here is how they turned the Harry Styles video into one that suits the situation right now.
It was the last project we shot before the lockdown and it really was the complete antithesis to the situation we find ourselves in now. It feels super meaningful now that this has been released during the pandemic because It speaks to what everybody is missing right now – physical human touch and connection.
They had the greatest harvest as Harry Styles’s Watermelon Farm before the photoshoot.
So the day before the shoot we went with our whole crew, make-up artists, set decorators, focus pullers you name it! We all rolled up our sleeves, got stuck in, and did the biggest harvest anyone in the USA has ever seen!
While the location to the farm cannot be disclosed, we know it has the lushest watermelons. We also know that the video shoot happens in Malibu. With only a few hours to the shoot, the commute was not long. So, it may be possible to find it Looks like Harry Styles is good at taking care of his crops! Who knew?