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Mark Ruffalo Deems his MCU Spoilers Genius

Mark Ruffalo Deems his MCU Spoilers Genius

Mark Ruffalo has declared that his MCU spoilers incident was actually a genius PR move. He gave a detailed version of the story on Graham Norton show.

Back in 2017, Mark Ruffalo was almost fired from the Marvel films. During Thor: Ragnarok premiere, he almost leaked the film. However, the Endgame actor has declared that the MCU spoilers were a genius move.

With Endgame, Avengers film has come to an end but Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk is eternal

He joined the Marvel world in 2012 when he played Hulk in the first Avengers films. After that, there was no looking back. Mark Ruffalo was loved and immensely appreciated for playing Bruce Banner and his alter ego, Hulk. Needless to say, he fit in the Avengers team like a missing piece of the puzzle.

However, he has always struggled with trying to not share MCU spoilers

In this day and age, it is hard for big names like Marvel to keep their films safe from leaking. However, sometimes the actors themselves let a few hints out during interviews. In this regard, Mark Ruffalo is the top contender of letting MCU spoilers leaked. So much so that he almost leaked an entire film at one point.

Mark Ruffalo told his infamous MCU spoiler story on The Graham Norton show

During the show, Graham Norton nudged him to tell it all and Ruffalo obliged. In 2017, the organizers asked him to do Facebook Live before the premiere of Thor: Ragnarok. While he thought that he went offline, the Facebook Live kept going. After a good five minutes of live streaming of the film, Mark Ruffalo started getting calls and messages. Needless to say, he came close to getting fired from his job.

Interestingly, his mistake paid off and Kevin Feige deemed it genius

Talking about his encounter with Marvel Studios head, Kevin Feige, Mark Ruffalo said:

I told him, ‘Kevin, it was an accident. I swear to God. They told me to use the Facebook Live, I don’t know how to use it!’ He was like, ‘You can’t do this stuff!’ The following day, I had to see Feige in person to do press for the film. I walk over to him to say sorry, and he grabs me in a bear hug. And he’s like, ‘That was genius! We got more press from that than the entire premiere! We couldn’t have imagined doing something that good!’

Mark Ruffalo, MCU spoilers, Endgame

And that is the story of how Mark Ruffalo’s disaster move turned into a genius PR move. Only he can get away with something like this.