For Millennials. By Millennials.

Ryan Reynolds & Camila Cabello Share Their True Confessions

On the latest segment of ‘The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon’, two very awesome guests appeared. Actor Ryan Reynolds and music artist Camila Cabello were invited to share their true confessions. The three play a game where they take turns reading confessions and then interrogate each other to find out if these confessions are true. And boy, the episode was a fun one! For all the scoop and secrets, keep reading.

Ryan Reynolds confession about urinal cakes

According to the actor, his mom once washed her hands with a urinal cake at a funeral. What is a urinal cake, you’re wondering? Singer Camila Cabello asked the same question. Well, it’s a urinal deodorizer block to mask the odor of public toilets and they’re placed inside the urinals.

No one believed Ryan of course. He tried his best to explain that it happened. He said his mom mistook it for soap.

“The urinal cake was up by the sink?” Jimmy Fallon asked.  To this, Reynolds replied:

“No it was right in the space edge of the urinal. She washed her hands and left going, “this smells funny.”

Well, both Camila and Jimmy called it out as a ‘lie’.

“I’m going to say that it’s a lie because I dont know, there’s just some hesitation in the facial expression”

Camila said pointing at Ryan.

Well, the final reveal is that it was, in fact, a true confession!

A bronze statue of Jimmy Fallon?

According to Fallon, there is a bronze statue of him at the bottom of the lake next to Neil Young’s farmhouse.

Cabillo asked him when the statue was made. The answer, early 2000’s. He stated it was an award that was given to him by ‘Regis & Kelly’.

“What happened was, I was flying to Neil’s cus I was doing his Bridge School Benefit, it’s a great charity. I went right after, so I had everything packed and an actual statue of me that they gave me on the plane. So, when I landed I thought it would be funny to show it to people.”

How did it end up in the lake, Ryan asked.

You just threw it in the lake like heart of the ocean in Titanic..?

Jimmy explained he had had a few ‘beverages’ and everyone was passing it around and he threw it in the lake.

Both Camila and Ryan didn’t think it sounded too crazy and called it true.

Well, guess what, it was FALSE. It never happened. Jimmy Fallon is a great bluff.

Camila Cabello once lost Taylor Swift’s cat

Camila then confessed to losing Taylor Swift’s cat once. The story behind it was that Camila had to babysit the pet cat while they were on tour. The cat had “a weird little stomach infection thing.”

I’m in the dressing room, taking care of her cat. Somebody from my team asked me to do something, I leave the door open. The cat Meredith sneaks out and is nowhere to be found. Hours pass and nobody can find the cat.

According to Camila, this surprisingly also happened in Vancouver. To this Ryan had an epic comeback:

This is already reeking like a whole lot of bull.

Everybody knows that cats are banned in Vancouver.

Camila said, “that’s not true!”

Jimmy Fallon asked, who found the cat? The answer given was ‘a security guard.’

The guys were not willing to be convinced yet. So they asked

“What was the security guard’s name?”

And then Camila almost ‘lost’ it. She frustratingly grabbed her head screeched “I don’t know the name!!!”

Well, they ended up believing and decided to call it ‘true’.

Guess what? It was also false!

Ryan Reynolds literally said,

“You should get a black belt in lying!”