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Reese Witherspoon Campaigns Against Domestic Violence

Reese Witherspoon has decided to take an action against domestic violence, something that was highlighted in her show Big Little Lies in the Age of Me Too.

The popular actress Reese Witherspoon has taken up on the issue of domestic violence. Not only is she going to raise awareness, but will also help raise funds for organizations who look into the issue. In the age of #MeToo, where more and more women survivors are opening up about their abuse experiences, celebrities taking up on the issue was more than just needed. But looks like the issue has also been highlighted in her HBO series ‘Big Little Lies‘. So, with her latest campaign, Reese has demanded support from her followers to join her and the show’s team.

Reese Witherspoon and ‘Big Little Lies’ Cast To Help ‘Safe Horizon’ Fight Domestic Violence

The actress took to her Instagram stories to ask her followers for support. She insisted that they join her and the Big Little Lies cast in taking a strong action against domestic violence. Witherspoon claimed that their goal was to come together and not just raise awareness, but funds for an organization named ‘Safe Horizon’. This has been working for the rights of women and children, catering to all sorts of abuse. Their goal remains taking victims and survivors from crisis to levels of confidence.

However, this certainly is not the first time that Reese Witherspoon has campaigned against domestic violence in the age of #MeToo. Previously, she visited the House of Commons to raise awareness on the issue. The actress claimed that,

There remains what can seem like an impenetrable wall of silence around violence and we must all play a role in breaking this silence.

As for her HBO show, Big Little Lies, it also reflected on a similar issue. Nicole Kidman who plays Celeste Wright was brutally beaten by her charming yet secretly abusive husband.

Reese Witherspoon is setting out on a great and positive campaign. Every day in the times of #MeToo, it becomes more important for someone to raise actual awareness on these issues.