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PewDiePie vs T series: A Race to Be the Most Subscribed

PewDiePie is facing some serious competition from T series- a Bollywood record label which might beat him as the most subscribed channel on YouTube.

The much controversial YouTube star PewDiePie might have to bid farewell to his super fame days. Previously known as the most subscribed channel on YouTube, he is now facing serious challenges. And that too, from the Bollywood record label T series which might dethrone him. But this race got even more intense as the YouTuber has involved his followers asking them to help him keep his reputation as the platform’s most-subscribed channel. Well, we can see why is it so hard for him to let it go. After all, he has carried that honor since 2013 now. But the end of this race is still unknown, and well-awaited.

Who Will Win This Race?

The t-series was almost ready to throw over PewDiePie as the most subscribed channel in the world. Apparently, the takeover was supposed to be on Monday 29th October. But in the days before it, PewDiePie experienced some waves of massive followers. With 68 million followers, the YouTuber was definitely offering slim competition. But the popularity of the T-series has been striking as controversial to many on YouTube. Some people have been arguing that it is a major corporate brand taking over the YouTuber. And in fact, one of the star’s followers has been defending him with an entire campaign planned to make sure he does not lose his title.

In a video, this fan named MrBeast described his efforts saying that he purchased billboards, went on television and radio to stop T-series from passing PewDiePie in subscribers. The record label is growing four times faster than PewDiePie and this fan felt that if he didn’t do anything they would win. So, he decided to spend all his money on ads to keep his YouTuber as number one. In fact, one billboard that he purchased actually reads,

Calling all bros! You can save YouTube. Subscribe to PewDiePie. Unsubscribe to T-Series.

However, PewDiePie himself claims that he is unbothered is overthrown by T series. He said that he does not care because it is all corporate now. He is, after all, no stranger to corporates being unfair. Like we saw when PewDewPie exposed BetterHelp, an online counseling service that lies to its users. But we do know that his sentiments might be hurt. He expressed that,

It’s already a heated subject now that a company is taking over. Everyone is going on the rant, ‘YouTube is not really becoming YouTube’ and, ‘it’s never going to be the same now’.

Let’s wait and see who actually wins the race!