For Millennials. By Millennials.

Megan Fox Wrote Nietzsche Poems On Walls For Stress Release

Megan Fox is full of surprises today. Apart from admitting that she and Shia LaBeouf used to date back in her Transformer times, she also had a fun little way to release stress. Apparently, Megan wrote Nietzsche poems on walls of her house which she shared with her  husband Brian Austin Green. Her anger can be fully acknowledged by the fact that she used a permanent marker.

On Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Megan Fox was playing an interesting game called Plead the Fifth. Though, it has serious connotations in everyday life, on the fun celebrity talk show, it’s just an entertaining segment. Celebrities are asked difficult questions that wouldn’t really incriminate them but definitely force them to reveal facts about their life that are mostly hidden. Andy Cohen tests celebrities out and sees who pleads the fifth and who doesn’t. And thankfully, Megan Fox did not. She answered all questions, though not without some reluctance and hesitation. Megan Fox admitted to loving Shia LaBeouf when she was on set with him on Transformers. When Andy Cohen asked the actress who her favorite Olsen twin was, Megan Fox said Mary-Kate Olsen. She found Mary-Kate Olsen much more welcoming than Ashley Olsen.

Nietzsche Poems: Stress Release for Megan

One fateful night, Megan Fox and her husband Brian Austin Green had a huge fight. So, as a way to release stress and indulge in her own personal catharsis, Megan wrote Nietzsche poems on the wall. She didn’t disclose what poem it was but it would have surely been something dark and romantic like Aftersong as Vulture suggests.

Megan Fox No Ordinary Gal

Most importantly, this fascinating event in her life reveals to us that Megan Fox is no ordinary celebrity. She has a goth side to her that comes out in ways you’d never expect. Nietzsche is a true epitome of nihilism and pointlessness. The adorable Megan Fox doing that is equivalent to your cute puppy suddenly revealing to you their heavy metal CD set they’ve got stashed up.

Seriously, this is one of her quotes,

I think that I’m so psychotic and so mentally ill that if I could tap into that I could do something really interesting

Well, we hope that she was just joking. But to be honest, Megan Fox would make an iconic Hollywood Villainess. She’s got that intimidating aura and a smile that seems to hide something underneath. Maybe some producer out there will use this story as an inspiration and create a story on Nietzsche’s influence on the millennial generation of today. Megan Fox will play the leading role of a woman anti-hero we never see. And we’d definitely want Shia LaBeouf to play her love interest! Hopefully, her real life husband Brian Austin Green won’t mind