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Matthew Morrison Opens Up About Naya Rivera

Matthew Morrison Opens Up About Naya Rivera

As the end of 2020 comes closer, many people have taken the time to reflect on the losses we have suffered. One of the industry’s biggest loss this year was Glee’s Naya Rivera and co-star, Matthew Morrison is now opening up about her death.

The talented star lost her life in a drowning accident during a boating trip in August 2020. Her death came as quite a shock not only to the world but also the ones closest to her. Including her Glee co-stars.

Matthew Morrison has shared the screen with Naya ever since the start of Glee until the very end. They remained two of the core cast members for the majority of the popular show’s run.

Matthew Morrison On Naya Rivera

Matthew shared in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

“Naya was a huge bright light. I mean, she’s someone who kind of kept us in stitches on set, like, she was always the one who is just so witty and just, like, always joking.”

“On that show, it was difficult,” he continued, talking about the long 16 to 18 hour days. Matthew shared how important for them the team morale was in those long hours of shooting. And no matter what, Naya was always there to give them a good laugh.

Matthew also shared how emotional and crazy it was to keep using the word “was” for her. “But she was a special person and my heart just goes out to that family who is grieving,” he said.

At the mention of her family, Matthew shared how tough it must be on her son, as having a son himself, he could relate to the family’s situation much better.

It’s not just Matthew Morrison who has shared how fun and humorous Naya was to work with every single day. Every one of her Glee co-stars are of the same opinion as Matthew about the kind of person Naya was.

“She was bold, she was outrageous, she was a LOT of fun,” Darren Criss had written on social media at the time. “Naya made me laugh like no one else on that set.”

While Harry Shum Jr. had penned down his own thoughts, calling Naya “the life of the party” and noting down her “infectious laughter.”


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