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Kim Jong-un Is NOT Dead, Tells South Korean Government

Kim Jong-un Is NOT Dead, Tells South Korean Government

It has been quite some time now that the western media has been wondering whether Kim Jong-un is dead or alive. On social media, most of the people have already declared him dead following some saucy articles to back their logic. However, it is the South Korean government that has come forward to reduce any rumor regarding the supreme leader of North Korea. Government officials of the country believe that Kim is alive and okay.

Is Kim Jong-un Dead Or Alive?

Here is what special adviser for unification, foreign and security affairs, Moon Chung-in told to The Korea Times:

“Kim Jong-un is alive and well. He has been staying in Wonsan since April 13, and the South Korean government has not detected any suspicious signs.”

The special adviser to the South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, further added that it is not the first time the supreme leader has been absent from public view for a long time. Apparently, in 2014, Kim Jong-un disappeared for about 40 days in 2014. Just this year, he has disappeared for 10, 13, and 23 days. Since the South Korean government is keeping track of the Northern side leader, they believe that Kim Jong-un is not dead. To strengthen these claims, South Korea’s Minister of Unification informed:

“The government has enough information-gathering capabilities to say confidently that there has been no unusual activity in the North.”

According to the South-side country of the Korean peninsula, there is a 250-m long train parked outside a compound in the Wonsan area. The train belongs to the North’s leader. However, while it is true that the presence of the train does not prove whether or not Kim Jong-un is dead, it is helpful in telling that Kim is staying in an elite area. The train is reserved for the usage of Kim’s family. Finally, the South Korean government also announced the rumors to be ‘wishful thinking’ of people who oppose the North Korean leader.