For Millennials. By Millennials.

Jared Padalecki Wears Mugshot T-Shirt In Public Appearance After Arrest

As we all know, Supernatural star, Jared Padalecki was arrested after two charges of assault and one charge for public intoxication. After staying quite silent on the matter for some time, Padalecki tweeted to his fans to thank them for the support and said he hoped to see them soon. Well, the actor finally made an appearance with co-star Jensen Ackles and spoke up at the JaxCon2019. That’s not all, he was wearing a mugshot T-shirt, a throwback to an old supernatural episode. The timings though!

Jared Padalecki appears in mugshot T-shirt

“It’s good to see you guys again,” Padalecki said to the audience  at JAXCON’19 with a hearty smile followed by lots of claps and “we love you.”

With him on stage was Jensen Ackles and it was amazing to see the heartthrob duo together again.

Jared Padalecki then took off his jacket, revealing a white-ish tee with his mugshot photo printed on it and below the photo, it also said “Bi***” He shared that a fan had given him this shirt and he just “had to wear it.” Though the mugshot serves as a throwback to one of the earlier seasons’ episodes of Supernatural. However, Padalecki wore it on purpose as an ice-breaker for his public appearance after his arrest. We have to agree, it was a smart move and people really loved it.

He then proceeded to wear a beanie cap while Ackles said, “And he’s back!” After this, Padalecki tried wearing his jacket again and was having some trouble. Jensen Ackles gave him a hand and helped him wear it back on. This was the cutest moment from the convention and fans wooed and awwwe’d like crazy.

The actor resorted to humor and joked around with fans even though he had been in a sticky situation earlier. He also apologized to his fans for missing out on the SPN DC Con, due to being arrested at the same time.

Supernatural Final Season

Meanwhile, Padalecki and Ackles starer hit series Supernatural is still airing with its 15th season. The Winchester brothers are going strong!

The latest episode was aired on November 21st and the next one releases on December 5th.

This is the final season so you probably don’t want to miss it!