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James Charles Shares the Weirdest Christmas Wish list

James Charles has given out his wish list for this Christmas, and let's say it's more unique than we could ever have imagined.

Just when you thought you can not imagine the weirdest thing anybody would want for Christmas, the beauty vlogger James Charles stepped up. And mind you, we are not here to judge. But the makeup artists went one step too far. Charles took to Twitter to express what he really needs for Christmas. And if you’re expecting some latest makeup products or anything related, you’re probably wrong. What he really wants this year is a good dick to suck. And well, doesn’t sound right but at least he can wish for whatever he wants.

Twitter was immediately caught up as fans reacted to this hilariously weird tweet from sister James. While some of them had nothing to offer, others believed that tweeting this was probably not the right choice. But then again, does the vlogger care?

James Charles Wants a D-ck This Christmas

In a tweet on Sunday, Charles claimed that what he really wanted for Christmas this year was a d-ck to s-ck. Undoubtedly, everybody on Twitter was amazed to hear it. And that too, so bluntly.

Twitter was immediately taken over as fans poured in their mixed reactions to his tweet. While some of them expressed shock, others thought that sister Charles should not have given his wish list out so publicly. Others were much more creative and added their own touch.

So, we still need to hear from the makeup artist if Santa delivered his wish or not!