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Claire Holt's Empowering Message to Women

Claire Holt’s Empowering Message to Women

Claire Holt supports women for all the right reasons

As we all know International Women’s Day was celebrated all over the world on March 8, 2020. Many celebrities shared their opinions on the ongoing debate on women’s rights. While some paid tribute to the women they admire and idealize. Claire Holt also showed her thoughts on the matter in a rather unique way. Well, she’s right! Men can never imagine or pull the feat of pregnancy. It is the superpower gifted to women only and she is proud of it.

Throughout her pregnancy, Claire Holt has been sharing her journey with her followers. Under her posts, you can see an atmosphere of women supporting each other. No one must go through this difficult yet blessed phase of life alone. If women won’t support each other, who will then?