For Millennials. By Millennials.

Billie Eilish And Finneas Dragged For White Privilege

Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas O’Connell recently faced some heavy backlash on the Internet. Basically, Finneas passed on some advice about gaining success and working hard alone. But it all actually backfired as people quickly pointed out the ‘white privilege’ he and his sister had. They also shot back at them with the part nepotism had played in their lives. For the entire details, keep reading as we update you.

Billie Eilish’s brother Finneas sparks debate

Finneas O’Connell is a recording solo artist. Recently, he produced his sister Billie Eilish’s multiplatinum music album. The brother-sister duo initially rose to fame in 2015, after their song “Ocean Eyes,” sung by 13-year-old Billie , and written by 17-year-old Finneas.

On Sunday, he shared a tweet (now deleted) with advice on gaining success.

He wrote:

“‘Shooting your shot’ is promoted widely and I think honestly, it’s a little overrated. Work super hard alone or with your closest friends. Make s— so good it speaks for itself. Don’t pester people to work with you, let them come to you.”

Although Finneas had all the right intentions while sharing his own opinion, it eventually received negative publicity. Especially from critics who were quick to point out how his statement was not exactly true in his and his sisters’ case.

White privilege and nepotism

The critics of his statement actually highlighted that Finneas was downplaying the white privilege he always had.

Many said that he and Billie had the ‘luxury’ to ‘work super hard alone’ because of the support they’d had. In fact, not everyone gets to do what they love without fighting for it.

Billie Eilish and Finneas’s parents, Maggie Baird and Patrick O’Connell both were in the acting business in LA. Hence, many people believe and stated that their success is also largely owed to the nepotism.

The negativity rose to quite a huge extent. In a tweet he later deleted, Finneas O’Connell gave an explanation to the criticism by another statement. In fact, we completely believe that his initial words were not intended to be problematic.

“During my life time, our parents were never able to fully financially support us off of their work as actors. Our dad worked 12 hour days 7 days a week as a construction worker for Mattel and our mom was a teacher.

“Our parents gave us love but knew no one in the record industry.”

This helps put their situation more into perspective and with this context, the backlash does not seem so warranted at all.