For Millennials. By Millennials.

Demi Lovato promotes I Love Me Campaign

Demi Lovato is not just an amazing and talented singer. She is a powerhouse of strength, acceptance, bravery and nowadays, self-love. Demi has turned her struggles into a way to inspire this generation. She works hard to educate others on body-acceptance, mental health, positivity- all the things she herself had to learn. And she is also promoting the important ‘I Love Me’ campaign to encourage young girls and women to love themselves the way they are. Keep reading to find out more.

Demi Lovato on Practising Self-Care

The star was recently seen at Ashley Graham’s show ‘Pretty Big Deal’ where she chatted about her own journey towards self-love.

She shared how she was bullied so much at school that she had to be home-schooled. On one instance, Demi had felt so threatened that she hid in a school bathroom and called her mother for help. That was the day she quit. She noted that there was no awareness and no one did anything about this issue.

For Demi Lovato, the most important thing to hold on to in life is gratitude. She also talked about how posting her bikini photo from Bora Bora was such a huge step for her.

I’ve always done the ‘sexy’ role. I have never done the whole feeling comfortable with yourself like I don’t have to be in a one-piece leotard on stage. Cus I am tired of running myself and extreme dieting like I thought the past three years were recovery from my eating disorder. And it actually was just completely falling into it.

She added that when you have people around you telling you to look a  certain way, it makes it harder.

I made a choice going into this next album. When I present his, I am not going to worry about what I look like, I’m not gonna worry about trying to look a certain way or fit a certain mold. Someone needs to stand up for people that don’t naturally look that way.

I Love Me campaign

Continuing on her attempts to promote body-positivity and self-love, Demi Lovato shared a makeup-less selfie on Monday. She shared how it felt incredibly important for people to see the real her, beneath the “tons of makeup and hairpieces.”

She embraced her natural features and how she is proud of her for exactly who she is. And ended it with the caption #ILoveMe to raise awareness for this much-needed campaign.

This is what I look like 85%-90% of the time. Proud of my freckles, proud of booty chin and proud of myself for loving and accepting myself the way I am. 🖤 #ILoveMe

Demi Lovato, you are an inspiration for all of us girls out there. Thank you for encouraging every person to love themselves and to be confident in their own skin. We love you!