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Addison Rae’s parents unfollow each other on Instagram

According to reports, Addison Rae's parents have unfollowed each other on social media. People are not interested in this news.

While people are interested in Addison Rae, it seems that Addison Rae’s parents also have a fan following. Therefore, someone took the time out to stalk them and discovered something interesting. According to reports, TikToker turned movie stars’ parents have unfollowed each other on Instagram. While Rae’s fans might be curious about this discovery, several people are asking why should it be anyone’s business

Who are Addison Rae’s parents?

If you have followed Addison Rae’s TikTok journey, you must be familiar with her parents. Since the beginning, Addison Rae’s parents have supported her and helped her grow. Her mother, Sheri Easterling, who is an engineer, and father, Monty Lopez, have been vocal about their daughter’s success. In an interview, Rae said:

“Well, I actually downloaded the app in July, made a post with a friend, and literally out of nowhere it got… 93,000 likes, and I was like woah. I like this! I kept going, made videos with my mom, and then that was kind of the main thing that blew up.”

After their daughter became a successful social media personality, Addison Rae’s parents also gave it a shot, While her mother has more than 5 million followers on TikTok, her father has around 2 million. Needless to say, this family knows exactly how to monetize their talents.

Recently, people noticed something interesting about Addison Rae’s parents

While it is unclear as to who started this search, people found out an interesting development about Addison’s parents. According to reports, Rae’s mother and father have unfollowed each other on Instagram. Despite this news, not much has been revealed about the situation. we don’t really know whether the couple is divorced or separated. However, Addison Rae’s parents don’t feel like seeing each other on social media. In his bio, Monty Lopez is still declaring himself the husband of Easterling. Therefore, the situation is a bit confusing.

After the news came out, people had an unexpected reaction towards the family of Addison Rae

Although people are always interested to know what happens in the lives of TikTokers. This news did not sit well with many. According to them, what happens in Rae’s parents’ lives is none of anyone’s business. According to one person:

This is such a weird post. Leave the girl and her family alone

Meanwhile, another said:

Who is bothering to watch who people’s parents are following? That’s weird.

One person thought its weird that they even have Instagram.

Another person found it weird that people would be stalking Addison’s parents.

On the other hand, another person thought that they both were acting like teenagers.

Needless to say, people found it bizarre that anyone would want to stalk her parents. So far, Rae or her family has not responded to the news.