For Millennials. By Millennials.

Trevor Moran Has Lost Someone Very Close

Death and loss are things we wish no one should have to experience. At least not at such a young age.

Trevor Moran Looses Someone Very Important

Trevor Moran is facing a loss so sad that we can’t help but grieve with him. The YouTuber and singer has lost a young cousin to a car accident. The singer took to Instagram to post about the recent death. While sharing some pictures with his cousin Jaxon, he also asked fans to help his aunt by donating to the GoFundMe link. 

I have no words for the pain I am feeling. My little guy, Jaxon, got hit by a car & passed away Monday around 6:30pm. Please help my aunt out by clicking the GoFundMe link in my bio because it’s the least I can fuckin do❤️

A few days back, Moran also tweeted,

Though we’re not sure if it’s really about his or cousin or not, but we suggest taking this advice to heart. You never know when you’ll lose someone close to you. You can help the family through this difficult time by donating or by just sending them good thoughts and prayers.

Trevor Moran is an American singer, musician and Youtuber who rose to prominence when he participated on the X Factor in 2013.