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Suicide Squad Director Posted Mysterious Message After Rerelease Calls

Is DC’s Suicide Squad director David Ayer also going in the same direction as Justice League’s Zack Snyder? Snyder recently confirmed the news that his famous take on his movie, ‘The Snyder Cut’, is coming to the theaters in 2021. After this, it looks like even Ayer has something to say about his movie. He shared a cryptic message on the Internet following the announcement of Snyder’s take. Is there an Ayer Cut waiting for its release as well? Maybe there isn’t, maybe there is but the fans of the movie certainly want this to happen.

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Suicide Squad’s Director Hinting At Ayer Cut?

The news about Snyder’s release coming to HBO Max has hit far and wide across the DC production house. For the Suicide Squad director, it looks like an opportunity hinting towards his take on the movie, which could have been slashed; a fate similar to what Justice League met. We say this because on Wednesday Ayer shared a Tweet of Jared Leto’s Joker who was saying “I am different f*** your opinion.”

Maybe there is an Ayer Cut present, and we really should get behind it as well. Just days before this cryptic message, the Suicide Squad director revealed that Diablo survived and that Harley and Deadshot hooked up as a couple. This, as he told, was changed. It is interesting to note that Ayer is also constantly retweeting hashtags on Twitter which says #ReleaseTheAyerCut:

The director has been defending Jared Leto on his performance for Joker in the past as well. Leto received some criticism regarding his role, to which the Suicide Squad director wrote:

“For sure character creation is a tightrope. I took inspiration from the current DC comics. I find it incredible it’s still such a topic 5 years later… My heart breaks for Jared – he did magnificent work. Most of it remains unseen.”