For Millennials. By Millennials.

Schitt’s Creek’s Noah Reid Performing On 2nd August

Sawdust City Music Festival for 2019 is set to start on August 2, 2019, and it will end on August 4, 2019. The location for the event is Sawdust City Brewery Co., Gravenhurst Canada. The Sawdust City Music Festival will be celebrating its 3rd birthday this year. And this time, you will also have Schitt’s Creek’s Noah Reid (Patrick Brewer) performing at the event.

Noah Reid’s Performance At Sawdust City Music Festival

Knowing that Noah has this incredible voice, we always thought he has to sing. He has to sing. We’re not going to do the Say Anything radio outside the motel. We’ve seen that. We thought what if [Patrick] just sang something so amazing, we used that in a way to strengthen their relationship. We don’t have to write exposition. I hate listening to people talk about how they feel. I’d rather just show it. That was a great device to just bring them closer in ways that they didn’t expect.

Schitt’s Creek’s Patrick Wants You At The Festival

Noah Reid, the sweet Patrick from Schitt’s Creek, wants you to join him at the Sawdust City Music Festival on August 2, 2019. And that’s not it, he also wants you to suggest songs that you want to hear from him.

If you want to attend the Friday Night Concert only when Noah will perform, you can get the tickets for $40. Or, you can also buy the VIP Experience Package of $299 which involves front-row seats, Early Evening private testing with Noah, and a Friday Night Artist Photo Opportunity.