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Mod Sun Declares Bella Thorne a Liar Amidst Controversy

Mod Sun has claimed that his ex-girlfriend Bella Thorne is trying to trash him for keeping her things all for the sake of attention from the press.

It seems like Bella Thorne has been making headlines all week. First, with her nude pictures scandal that sparked fury from Whoopi Goldberg, and now with her ex-partner Mod Sun. Apparently, Thorne had claimed that she lost opportunities because Sun had kept her passport amongst other things like her wallet and laptop. But the rapper has tried to contradict her claims to clear his name. He claims that Bella is lying just to get attention from the press.

Mod Sun Contradicts Bella Thorne Accusations

Last week, Bella complained that she had lost a great opportunity because of her passport issue. But the issue was that her ex was keeping them hostage after their breakup in April. She also included other items like her wallet and laptop in the list.

However, Mod Sun soon publicly attempted to clear his name claiming that none of the three items were at his place. He claimed that when they broke up, she left with her laptop and guitar while her team picked up her passport amongst other belongings the next morning. Sun added that he did not want to come off as the bad guy if Bella was lying about him. Instead, he wanted to be honest and transparent even if he had messed things up. He also claimed that a laptop, passport and wallet were not in the list of things Bella had sent to him. He said that,

It’s like a Fendi jacket, vintage clothes and Chanel lamp I bought her. … I am not trying to take her Christmas presents. There are six garbage bags of like brand-[name] clothes in the wrapping that she has never worn that I gathered over a week.

Apart from challenging her claims, he himself added some things that he was missing. Apparently, there are his things with Bella instead and not the other way around. He concluded his statement claiming that all Bella Thorne needs was media attention.

I have to clear my name now and am really moving on — I am 36 days sober; I am doing great. She threw that [claim] out there to keep the whole press thing going. She’s calling me hungry, but she is the one that wants that [attention].

Representatives for Thorne have not commented yet.