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First Dog Infected With Coronavirus Dies

First Dog Infected With Coronavirus Dies

News of COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) affecting a 17-year-old dog (pomeranian breed) made headlines in the city of Hong Kong. This was quite alarming information for pet owners. Basically, the dog’s owner was a patient of COVID-19 and quarantined at home.

Unfortunately, the dog tested positive for COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) has died after reportedly recovering from the disease. We don’t know if the virus can be transferred to humans from animals. But the animals can still be carriers.

The Infected Dog

The Pomeranian dog underwent multiple testings to know if he had recovered from the COVID-19. After the test came out negative, the dog was brought home. However, the reports were clear on one thing. There were no signs of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) in the last test reports of the dog.

The animal keeping facility learned about the dog’s death from its owner on the 16th of March. The owner did not allow the department to do an autopsy of the dead body. If they had done it, they would know the reason for the dog’s death.

A few other animals are under quarantine at the Hong Kong Port. Though their test results are negative, they will still be in the facility for a few days.

History Of Dog Carrying Coronavirus

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of Hong Kong first collected samples from the dog (whose owner was affected by COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV2)) on the 26th of February. Its mouth and nose had minor levels of the Coronavirus.

Specialists from the departments of “The College Of Veterinary Medicine And Life Sciences” came together to resolve the issue. They came to this conclusion. That COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) virus can transmit from the human-to-animal contact.

The animal keeping facility at The Hong Kong Port kept the dog under observation and monitored it on a daily basis.

The department is still stressing upon the fact that pets cannot be a source of transference of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV2).