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David Tennant To Play As Serial Killer Dennis Nilsen In Upcoming Drama

Would you be amazed if someone transformed you into one of the lowest human beings ever born? We definitely were creeped out when we saw David Tennant’s transformation for an upcoming drama series. The star of Doctor Who revealed his looks as he is to play as serial killer Dennis Nilsen for a TV show.

Mirror UK reports that the Scottish actor will play the role of a murderer who killed at least 12 men during the 70s and 80s. While all that acting stuff is business as usual, what is amazingly creepy about it is how similar he looks to Nilsen. A picture released shows how accurately he resembles the killer himself during his peak murdering days.

David Tennant Becomes Dennis Nilsen

Dennis Nilsen was responsible for the murder of at least 12 men in London till 1983 before police caught him. His sentence was life in prison, dying just a year ago, aged 72.

David Tennant’s transformation is for a three-part drama series titled Des. It will feature a record trial of the serial killer Dennis Nilsen following his murderous routines. Jason Watkins, from Line of Duty, will star alongside the Jessica Jones cast member.

The series is actually based off Brian Masters’ book “Killing for Company”. It’s a story told by Nilsen himself with full cooperation. E! News says that the show will “explore the personal and professional consequences of coming into contact with a man like Nilsen.”

Looking up at Nilsen’s acts on the Internet sure horrified us all. He recalled every detail of the murder, explaining how he would hang out with corpses, keeping them under his floorboards. He would shove them inside his cupboards, occasionally bringing them out as he casually watched TV and drank.

Weirdly enough, authorities caught the murderer because of his own… “irresponsibility”. It is written that he called a plumber to fix his blocked drains. He didn’t know that it was the disposed off body parts that caused it.

David Tennant dawns the form of a person whose target was homeless and homosexual men, whom he invited to his flat for a drink or shelter. After murdering them by strangling or drowning in the sink, he would then proceed to perform various sexual acts with the corpse.

The ITV drama Des starts after Nilsen was caught and brought to the court.