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Bill Gates Talks About Three Effective Coronavirus Drugs

Bill Gates Talks About Three Effective Coronavirus Drugs

Bill Gates talks about three effective Coronavirus drugs that “could cut the death rate dramatically" before the vaccine arrives.

Even though Bill Gates is not a doctor, his experience and philanthropy make him qualified to talk about the Coronavirus. After all, he predicted a pandemic years before it even happened. Now, the Microsoft co-founder has mentioned three effective Coronavirus drugs that “could cut the death rate dramatically”.

Bill Gates gives three effective Coronavirus drugs

Bill Gates Talks About Three Effective Coronavirus Drugs
Bill Gates –Wikimedia Commons

“The very first vaccine won’t be like a lot of vaccines, where it’s a 100% transmission-blocking, and 100% avoids the person who gets the vaccine getting sick… It’s much easier to test a therapeutic than it is a vaccine.”

The drugs that Bill Gates mentioned are familiar to everyone who has been following COVID-19 updates closely. They were antivirals, corticosteroids, and monoclonal antibodies.



Monoclonal antibodies

These drugs are cloned from the most potent natural protective antibodies developed among the people who had the Coronavirus. Bill Gates has a few of them in mind, saying:

“There’s three or four, including Regeneron, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, and others, that we’ll have data on before the end of the year. That, in combination with the antivirals, could cut the death rate quite dramatically, which would be a very big deal.”

These are the effective Coronavirus drugs that Bill Gates was talking about. Gates believes that therapeutics and treatments should be given more attention. This is because they can yield results “within a few months”. Again, there’s no guarantee that there’ll ever be a 100% effective Coronavirus vaccine. That is why COVID-19 could very well become endemic, which could live on with us forever. That is why he believes treatments should be given as much attention as the cure to Coronavirus itself, saying:

“At least some of those are likely to work before the end of the year. We’re trying to make sure that the ease of giving them, and the cost, and the availability, takes care of the entire world.”