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American Idol Finale Was Bittersweet For Judge Katy Perry

American Idol Finale Was Bittersweet For Judge Katy Perry

Quarantine might have restricted us to our homes, but that does not mean the entertainment business will stop completely. However, the new policies due to which the latest television shows are coming are quite unusual from how they were before. No crowd, no audience, just the hosts and contestants.

In a similar case, American Idol also looked into airing finale in a safe way. Abiding by the new policies of social distancing, the singing competition continued to move ahead with its plans for the finale episode. However, for the judge Katy Perry, this became a rather bittersweet feeling. This is because the entire finale had to happen at home due to the quarantine!

American Idol Finale Held At Home

Although the American pop singer Katy Perry was excited to be in the American Idol finale, she seemed down at the same time as well. The new format dictated that the contestants would have to sing from their home, and judges would have to do their jobs from home as well. During a Facebook Live session, Perry was discussing the changes in the show because of the pandemic lockdown. The new song Daisies singer further added:

“We’re crowning the queen or king tonight. It’s going to be bittersweet, actually, to tell you the truth. Because it is not like we get to hug and congratulate them. It’s like, at the very end, yes, they won American Idol, but then we’re all just going to click off, and it’s over. We do not even get to go to Red Lobster or anything like that.”

To motivate the contestants and the viewers Katy Perry has been appearing on the show in a very unique way. During the pandemic, Perry appeared in unique costumes for the At Home episodes of American Idol. She once chose to be a huge hand sanitizer bottle, next she decided to be a big toilet paper. At the finale, however, she took on the daisy printed floral maxi dress.