For Millennials. By Millennials.

This Is Why Zac Efron Didn’t Sing With Vanessa Hudgens In HSM Reunion

A previous couple of days were truly magical for High School Musical fans, watching the entire cast sing together. The Disney Family Singalong was on at a Zoom video session and one of our favorite Disney movie cast was in it as well. Although we were quite happy to see the entire band back together to sing All In This Together there was one notable absence. Zac Efron was nowhere to be found. However, we might think that Zac Efron’s absence from the song-singing session was mostly because of Vanessa Hudgens.

Did Zac Efron Miss The Zoom Session Because of Vanessa Hudgens?

According to HollywoodLife, this is exactly what has happened. Efron’s decision to only appear at the very end of the session was mostly because of Hudgens’ presence. They have a ‘source’ to back this up.

“Zac [Efron] has done so much in his career to honor his time with High School Musical, but also not to dwell on it because he wants to grow from that moment. There have been so many good times and memories from it all, but there was also a lot of hurt and that comes from his time with Vanessa [Hudgens].”

Efron and Hudgens dated back from 2005 till 2011, creating a fan-based nickname Zanessa. Now, Hudgens is single again after splitting with Austin Butler in January 2020, a relationship that lasted nine years. This ‘source’ continues to talk in detail about the friction between Efron and Hudgens. According to the tabloid, the actor only made a short appearance because Kenny Ortega, the HSM director, asked him to do a favor.

“They don’t talk anymore, so working together in a situation like this would be way too difficult because he would love to have practiced it to make it perfect. But that would mean he would have [had] to work with Vanessa and he doesn’t want that in his life.”

OUCH! If all of this is true, then apparently Zac Efron has become a stone-cold and completely moved on from Vanessa Hudgens. However, is this even true?