For Millennials. By Millennials.

The Rock (Jumanji Star) Calls Rory McCann a ‘Towering Beast’

As we all know The Rock has played a very massive role in the Jumanji movies. Earlier this month, the newest and third edition of Jumanji was released, ‘Jumanji: The Next Level’. The franchise began in 1995 and has since then been a fan-favorite all over the world.

The movie featured most of the ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’ including The Rock. Then again, there were some guest appearances that we are pretty excited to see. Among the various surprises, fans got to see Rory McCann playing the role of Jurgan the Brute.

Rory McCann Gets Praises From The Rock

In an Instagram post, The Rock shared Rory McCann’s role in Jumanji and how he felt about sharing the screen with him. As shared by Dwayne, McCann played the role of Jurgan the Brute because the actor believed they needed a “towering beast of a character”. He also shared how Rory McCann reminded him of one of his favorite TV shows ‘The Six Million Dollar Man.’

The Rock writes:

“When Rory first walked on set of JUMANJI it immediately reminded me of one of my favourite TV shows as a kid, THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN and the episode where Lee Majors takes on BIGFOOT, played by the legendary, Andre the Giant,”

The lead character of the film also hinted that Jurgan the Brute will be seen in the coming Jumanji film (whenever that happens) as well. He writes:

“Cool plot twist about JURGAN (for those who caught it) is he’s an actual avatar in the game. Meaning – SOMEONE is playing him. But who? That’s the big mystery. In the next JUMANJI, we’ll find out just who’s been playing the JURGAN THE BRUTE”.

So, if you still haven’t seen ‘Jumanji: The Next Level’ and the infamous Rory McCann, now is your chance to run to the nearest cinema!