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Taika Waititi shares if there’s going to be Thor 5

Taika Waititi shares if there’s going to be Thor 5

We have all heard about Taika Waititi, Haven’t we? The famous New Zealand director, producer, actor and comedian has done so much in the film and television industry. He has won many awards and accolades as well. The director has directed many of the Marvel movies like ‘Thor Ragnarok’ and ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’.

Taika recently directed the 4th Thor movie, ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’

‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ has wrapped filming and the director of the movie talked about the movie recently. The 4th Thor film seems to be completely outstanding and one of the most significant project Taika Waititi has worked on. Another movie that Taika worked on is Thor: Ragnarok.

It was one of the best MCU films and was very much praised. Looks like Waititi and Chris Hemsworth have worked together once again to deliver the best to the fans. They were working on Thor: Love and Thunder which is the 4th Thor movie that will be releasing in 2022 and we are so excited to see how that turns out. Especially because Natalie Portman plays a leading role here as well.

But let’s talk about the 5th Thor movie.

Taika Waititi reveals if he will be directing the 5th Thor movie

Taika Waititi recently told The Sunday Morning Herald:

Who knows if we do another after this, but I definitely feel like we put everything – every idea and every single ridiculous concept or gag or stunt or character – into this film. I couldn’t be happier with it.

Taika does not know if there is going to be another Thor movie or not but he is confident in ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’. He said that he is happy with what he and the team were able to do with the film and he has no regrets. He also said that the team and he have put everything they possibly could from a creative standpoint into the film.

We are excited to see how ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ turns out and hoping that Taika gets to direct the 5th Thor movie as well because he has done a great job with others.