John Lennon

Blackbird By The Beatles Is Perfect For The Black Lives Matter Protests

Blackbird By The Beatles Is Perfect For The Black Lives Matter Protests

With Black Lives Matter protests at their peak again, the song 'Blackbird' by The Beatles is the perfect song to…

4 years ago

The Beatles Sandwich: Made Of The Beatles Themselves

The story about the infamous Beatles Sandwich made not of bread, ham, tomatoes, onions, or cheese, but of The Beatles…

4 years ago

When Paul McCartney And John Lennon “Pleasured” Themselves In Front Of Each Other

Paul McCartney says that he and John Lennon used to "pleasure" themselves in front of each other. You know, 'shaking…

4 years ago

The Beatles Watched George Harrison Lose His Virginity!

As absurd as it sounds, Paul McCartney recalls that The Beatles watched George Harrison lost his virginity! He believes that…

4 years ago

The Beatles ‘Let It Be’: Their Last & Messiest Album Was Still Amazing

On the 50th anniversary of the release of The Beatles' last album Let It Be, we see why the album…

4 years ago

When Elvis Presley Tried To Get The Beatles Banned

We look back at the time when 'The King' Elvis Presley tried to have the Beatles banned from the US…

4 years ago

Why Did The Beatles Write “I Am The Walrus”?

I am the Walrus is one of the craziest songs John Lennon ever made as part of the Beatles. Let's…

4 years ago

When The Beatles Claimed To Be More Popular Than Jesus

We look back at the time when John Lennon of The Beatles said that they were more popular than Jesus,…

4 years ago

Did The Beatles Make This Song On The Drug LSD?

The song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles is often thought to be about the drug LSD.…

4 years ago

George Harrison Was The Hottest Of The Beatles

We believe George Harrison was the hottest of the Beatles. Let's look at how he looked like an absolute heart-throb…

4 years ago