Bojack Horseman

Fan Theories on Bojack Horseman Season 6 Part 2Fan Theories on Bojack Horseman Season 6 Part 2

Fan Theories on Bojack Horseman Season 6 Part 2

Bojack Horseman is a layered, complex show with every storyline and character having a deeper meaning. You have to dig…

5 years ago
Bojack Horseman’s Mr.Peanutbutter | National Face of Depression?Bojack Horseman’s Mr.Peanutbutter | National Face of Depression?

Bojack Horseman’s Mr.Peanutbutter | National Face of Depression?

Love him or hate him, Mr.Peanutbutter, voiced by Paul F. Tompkins is an essential part of Bojack Horseman. With his…

5 years ago
Diane Nguyen | The Conscience of Bojack HorsemanDiane Nguyen | The Conscience of Bojack Horseman

Diane Nguyen | The Conscience of Bojack Horseman

Diane Nguyen, voiced by Alison Brie, is an American-Vietnamese writer, a brilliant intellectual, and a feminist on the hit animated…

5 years ago

Bojack Horseman’s Todd Chavez | An Asexual With Hidden Talents

Todd Chavez is a human character in his 20's living in Bojack's house rent-free. Chavez is one of the most…

5 years ago
Bojack Horseman Gets Much Awaited Emmy NodBojack Horseman Gets Much Awaited Emmy Nod

Bojack Horseman Gets Much Awaited Emmy Nod

Bojack Horseman has finally received a long awaited Emmy nomination for 'Outstanding Animated Program' in the Primetime Emmy Awards 2019.…

6 years ago
Could Bojack Horseman Season 6 Be Its Final One?Could Bojack Horseman Season 6 Be Its Final One?

Could Bojack Horseman Season 6 Be Its Final One?

Bojack Horseman, the only TV show that could make you relate to a narcissistic and alcoholic horse. Bojack was dealing…

6 years ago

Bojack Horseman and Brooklyn Nine-Nine Having a Crossover?!

It’s impossible not to quote Mr. Peanut-butter here (from Bojack Horseman, which is renewed for season 6!)  “What is this, a…

6 years ago