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Ninja and Tfue to Square Off in a Boxing Match?

Tfue and Ninja's real-life tensions might have reached the boiling point and we can see the two Professional E-Sports Players battling inside a Boxing ring soon!

Ninja and Tfue are the first two names we can think of when we talk about E-Sports. These two Professional Gamers/YouTubers have crossed paths in Fortnite several times. There is only room for one at the top, so these two don’t get along. However, their Professional rivalry has taken an exciting turn as seeds of a potential Boxing match have been planted!

Ninja Challenges Tfue to a Boxing match?

It all started when the Ninja’s Twitter account got hacked a couple of days ago. As it normally happens in such cases, the hacker tweeted out a bunch of senseless stuff. In one of the tweets, however, a boxing challenge was sent to none other than the former member of Faze Clan, Tfue!

Responding to the tweet, Tfue said,


Since Tyler Blevins himself didn’t realize the challenge, our hopes of seeing this clash were about to die until…

Tfue Challenged Ninja to a Fight!

Following this whole Twitter debacle, the former Faze Clan member and decorated Fortnite player uploaded a video on YouTube. In the video, he mentioned how Ninja has always tried to drag him down.

Tfue continued by saying that even though he didn’t call out Ninja earlier, the hacking fiasco encouraged him to address this situation. He then laid out the challenge.

Ninja had a definite answer to his Fortnite rival’s boxing challenge. He tweeted,

I have no interest in fighting you @TTfue . I don’t hate you, I don’t want you to fail, but I also don’t appreciate you using my twitter being hacked as a publicity stunt. It was a breach in privacy which nobody deserve to deal with, your making it worse for me and helping him.

So, it looks like the boxing match is off the cards for now. However, it is quite interesting to know that the two E-Sports Players do not share a cordial relationship.