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Ace Family Scammed Fans Who Bought Ace Fest Tickets

The famous YouTubers, Ace Family, told in their last video uploaded on their channel that they are planning to slow down producing content in 2022. Since 2016, the couple has been uploading videos related to their relationship, private life, children, etc. The family has 18.9 million YouTube subscribers. Recently, the couple announced that they will bring a family festival where fans can meet them in person. Moreover, it was announced that the two random VIP guests will also be invited to Catherine and Austin’s wedding. The event date is set as July 9th. Everything looked well until some fans came forward stressing about being scammed by the Ace Family.

Related: Catherine McBroom Claims Her Landlord Made ACE Family Pay 6 Months Rent Upfront For New Rental Home

Is Ace Family Ending Their YouTube Channel?

No, Ace Family is not looking for retirement any time soon. However, they are taking a big break from producing YouTube content. In their last video ‘The End of ACE Family’ on YouTube uploaded on March 19th, Austin said:

This year we’ve talking about how we are going to make this year, 2022, our last year on YouTube because in next year in 2023, we want to do a lot of travelling with the family. What I mean by travelling, I mean probably travelling for like half the year. We want to go to like 10 to 20 different places because throughout the six years we’ve been on YouTube, we have not had the time to reflect and enjoy, and really spend time with our family.

Catherine later chimes in and states that there’s a festival for fans if they want to meet them. Further, she highlighted that they are not quitting.

We are not saying that we are gone forever, we’re just saying that we’re not gonna be as consistent anymore.

ACE Family Scammed Their Fans

According to what was uttered in the video posted on their YouTube channel, Austin was persistent and said:

The festival is going to be a full experience where attendees can interact with all other ACE family members. The two VIP ticket holders will join us at our wedding at the end of this year.

The website of the family gives two packages. One is for $299 and it includes free rides, free games whatever they have at the festival. The second one costs $499. It has five tickets. Two out of them will be chosen to attend their wedding. While the family claimed that the festival was Sold Out, YouTuber MadCatster posted a video on April 12 explaining why they think the ACE family is scamming fans.

In the video, the YouTuber shows that his friend added a million tickets from both passes VIP and Club. The website showed 4000 club passes left and 7,500 VIP passes left. Some hours later it showed that all are completely sold out. According to the YouTuber, the ACE family is scamming fans. They have not sold enough amount of tickets considering the kind of big event they are going for. However, only time will tell what is the truth.