For Millennials. By Millennials.
Aren’t you a bit tired of new scandals circling around influencers every week? It can become quite exhausting to keep up with every scandal and drama. But Elijah Daniel has something interesting to help monetize all these scandals. And knowing Daniel, everything he does has a good cause behind it! Calling this new initiative ‘Clout Market’, you could profit off from your chosen influencer getting themselves stuck in a controversy. Easy way to make a few bucks, isn’t it?
Here’s how Clout Market will work!
Basically, this is Elijah Daniel’s own version of a stock market. Well, sort of. Do you know how everyone started a legitimate market with virtual money like BitCoin? It’s that, but instead of BitCoin, it’s influencers and, in particular, their scandals that will have value.
There will be NFT Token Pokemon parody cards that will feature the nickname of famous influencers. The value of a particular card will increase whenever the influencer gets more clout in terms of drama, controversies, and scandals. Moreover, the proceeds percentages will go to Direct Relief‘s Pandemic Relief Fund!
The cards feature prominent Youtubers and TikTok stars that have become widely known influencers in 2021. The featured influencers in the Limited 1st Edition are Jeffree Moon (Jeffree Star), Jarmes Charlies (James Charles), Pool Brothers (Logan and Jake Paul), and Bruce Hail (Bryce Hall).
The price of each card will be calculated via market trade value and an algorithm based on social statistics, cloud, popularity, drama, and scandals.
“If we have to live through another one of these dumbass scandals we all better be able to make money off it.”
Check out these cards!
The cards are hilarious as they are creative. Elijah Daniel used Pokemon cards as inspiration for the Clout Market cards. The influencers are given special names with a description of their unique abilities. Have a look at them yourself!

Their official website ‘Rarible’ mission statement reads as:
Like the stock market — except to buy and sell collectible tokens of humans – based off their daily stats, news, scandals & who’s trending. The more drama, the better.
And since Elijah Daniel is the man behind it all, it’s for a charitable cause!
Many of Elijah Daniel’s ventures have really great intentions behind them. Even though they are hilarious and really clever, Daniel isn’t here to joke around. He wants to make the world a better place, and he manages to do that innovatively.
With Clout Market, the proceeds percentages will go to Direct Relief’s Pandemic Relief Fund.
Direct Relief is an initiative created to enhance and improve those people in the US that suffer from poverty and emergencies:
Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay.